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Farmer Lifeline Wins 2023 Vijana na AgriBiz Competition

Farmer Lifeline Technologies, an AI solar-powered device that can detect and predict crop pests and diseases, and instantly notify farmers, is the winner of the KCIC Vijana Na AgriBiz Competition, 2023 edition. The device not only notifies a farmer on any pests and diseases, but also makes recommendations on appropriate fertilisers or farm chemicals that

  • KCIC Communications
  • November 27, 2023
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KCIC Grants KES 10.4 Million Towards Revival of 4K Clubs in Schools

In a spirited move to sow the seeds of a greener and more agriculturally resilient Kenya, the Kenya Climate Innovation Center (KCIC) is embarking on a transformative journey. The mission? To breathe new life into the iconic 4K Clubs and usher in an era where agriculture is cool, productive, and forward-looking. In partnership with the

  • KCIC Communications
  • October 26, 2023
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The Inspiring Journey of Jufra Food Processors

In the heart of Chuka town in Tharaka Nithi county, a remarkable venture is running, setting the stage for nourishment and change. At its epicenter stands Jufra Food Processors, a limited company that started operations in 2013 and has not only redefined the traditional grain processing landscape but has also embarked on a transformative mission

  • KCIC Communications
  • September 5, 2023
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The KCIC Agribiz program is an initiative supported by the European Union (EU) and Royal Danish Embassy and implemented by Kenya Climate Innovation Center aimed at promoting sustainable entrepreneurship and innovation in the agricultural sector. The program offers a range of services including business incubation, access to finance, and capacity building to women and youth

  • KCIC Communications
  • August 14, 2023
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150 AgriBiz Entrepreneurs undergo Agronomy Training

In a bid to boost the horticulture sector and empower farmers in Kenya, KCIC’s AgriBiz program in partnership with the Kenya School of Agriculture conducted a comprehensive training program with a focus on Horticulture value chains. The rigorous 10-day training took place in Nyeri (at the Kenya School of Agriculture) from 5th to 16th of

  • KCIC Communications
  • June 22, 2023
  • 0 Comment

Kenyan innovator introduces Syntropic Farming to rebuild forests cover

Syntropic Farming is a farming revolution from Brazil originated by Ernst Götsch, a Swiss farmer and researcher. It seeks to cultivate resilient ecosystems by regenerating the soil without the need of long term external inputs. Through the biodiversity of the plants, the soil becomes rich and sequesters Carbon. There are no chemicals required as the

KCIC concludes the Vijana na AgriBiz semi-finals

Kenya Climate Innovation Center (KCIC), under the AgriBiz programme on Monday 24th May 2021, virtually conducted the Vijana na AgriBiz semi-finals competition pitting 20 innovations from all over the country. The competition, which seeks to identify and reward innovative youth agripreneurs, selected ten agritech startups to proceed to the finals which will be held on

Are insect feeds the future of the animal feed industry?

An increase in wealth, urbanization and global population growth, more so in Africa and Asia, has created changes in the global consumption patterns, lifestyle and food preferences. This has led to an increase in animal protein demand.  There is a high demand for livestock feeds and the limited resources are feeling the pressure to meet

How Dashcrop is empowering women to grow climate-resilient crops

The agricultural sector heavily depends on a female workforce. Estimates show that in some developing countries, women make up over half of the agricultural workforce. In Kenya, for instance, women make up 42% and 65% of the agricultural labour force despite being accorded little attention. Closing this gender gap is a female-led agribusiness company, Dashcrop

How to Integrate small-scale farmers into the global market.

Small-scale agriculture is the primary source of food, it contributes 80 percent of the food consumed in a majority of developing countries. This high percentage therefore points at the role played by small-scale agriculture in tackling  food security, as a source of food and as a source of livelihood for a large number of people