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KCIC Grants KES 10.4 Million Towards Revival of 4K Clubs in Schools

  • By KCIC Communications
  • October 26, 2023
  • 0 Comment

In a spirited move to sow the seeds of a greener and more agriculturally resilient Kenya, the Kenya Climate Innovation Center (KCIC) is embarking on a transformative journey. The mission? To breathe new life into the iconic 4K Clubs and usher in an era where agriculture is cool, productive, and forward-looking. In partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development, a dedicated team of educators, and through the EU-funded AgriBiz programme, KCIC’s plan extends far beyond the revival of these clubs; it aims to revolutionize the way the youth perceive agriculture.

On Thursday October 26, 2023, KCIC held a Grant Agreement signing ceremony at its main offices in Nairobi. The event gathered 36 school heads of schools from eight counties: Bungoma, Kiambu, Machakos, Kilifi, Kisii, Uasin Gishu, Meru, and Isiolo. The ceremony marked the beginning of an ambitious initiative set to redefine agricultural education in the country, with a total of KES 10.4 million being issued to the selected schools to actualize various 4K projects in their respective schools.

This groundbreaking initiative boasts several ambitious objectives that go beyond conventional agricultural practices. Firstly, it aims to position KCIC-supported schools as centers of excellence. In these schools, agriculture will cease to be a routine subject and will transform into an exciting venture of endless possibilities. Another crucial goal is to alter the mindset and perceptions surrounding agriculture. For too long, agriculture has been seen as a dirty trade, a last resort, or a fallback option. KCIC believes it can change that, making agriculture an appealing and prestigious career choice for the younger generation.

Over and above, KCIC seeks to make agriculture cool. Yes, you read that right. By introducing young minds to innovative agricultural technologies and approaches, the aim is to spark their curiosity and passion for farming, ultimately promoting the adoption of modern practices that can lead to increased productivity, employment creation, and income generation.

Environmental conservation is a pillar of this endeavor, with the understanding that sustainable agriculture is not just about yields; but also about safeguarding the environment. The initiative will therefore strive to promote environmentally friendly farming practices.

Beyond the grant of KES 10.4 million to the selected schools, KCIC is providing a range of non-financial support. This includes capacity building for school heads, teachers, and 4K/Young Farmer Club patrons, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to guide the next generation of agricultural enthusiasts.

Project supervision, both in the school and at home, will ensure that the initiatives undertaken by the clubs thrive and succeed. Collaboration with county governments will see the organization of 4K/Young Farmer Club shows, showcasing the innovation and creativity of these young farmers. Perhaps one of the most exciting aspects is the organization of study tours for these schools to agricultural institutions. These immersive experiences will expose students to cutting-edge agricultural practices and broaden their horizons, inspiring fresh ideas and insights.

At the Grant Agreement signing ceremony, the CEO of KCIC, Joseph Murabula, passionately emphasized the significance of cultivating a love for agriculture in children at a young age. He stated, “If we can get it right with this demographic, then we might just get a shot at reviving agriculture. Agriculture transcends all disciplines, and it is one foundational knowledge that is critical for every child. We are doing this for the future of the country and for the future of our children.”

Charles Lusweti, who represented the Ministry of Agriculture, chimed in, urging teachers to lead the initiative with diligence. “We need doctors, engineers, and lawyers who know where their food comes from. Only then can this country fully industrialize.” he asserted.

Mwalimu Njoroge, a teacher from Meru County, shared his enthusiasm, stating, “When we received the initial training from KCIC, I was so fired up that I conducted a training with six neighboring schools on how to revive 4K clubs. My challenge to fellow teachers here is that we have a chance to compound our impact if we come together, beyond what we are doing in our individual schools. This is what will make us centers of excellence.”

Ernest Chitechi, the KCIC Manager of Corporate Services, believes in the transformative power of this initiative. He opined, “We believe that the best time to change the mindset about agriculture is at an early age. This is what will enhance productivity, create employment, and increase food security. These clubs will engage young people at home, school, and within their communities, empowering them as active agents in community development. We look forward to working with these schools to achieve the objective of rebranding and revitalizing 4K clubs in Kenya.”

As KCIC’s visionary project takes root, it’s clear that these young minds, nurtured with a love for agriculture, have a good shot at transforming Kenya’s agricultural landscape. Hopefully, the days of having 60 years as the average age of farmer in Kenya will soon be behind us. And that the understanding of agriculture will go beyond punitive toiling in the farm, to include agricultural mechanization, innovation, value addition, agricultural engineering, Food Safety and Nutrition, Horticulture, agronomy, among others.