ClimateLaunchpad Competition 2024!
Do you have a green business idea and want to take it to the next level? Do you wish to be part of the solution to climate change-humanity’s greatest existential threat? Then this competition is for you!
Do you have a green business idea and want to take it to the next level? Do you wish to be part of the solution to climate change-humanity’s greatest existential threat? Then this competition is for you!
ClimateLaunchpad is the world’s largest green business ideas competition, premised on the belief that innovation and invention can lead the way to a clean future. The competition creates a stage for people who have great cleantech ideas and helps them develop those ideas into startups making global impact.
ClimateLaunchpad is organized by EIT Climate-KIC, co-funded by the European Union, and is being implemented in Kenya by the Kenya Climate Innovation Centre. We are enthusiastic about getting to see your revolutionary sustainable business ideas! We believe that together, we can fix climate change, one sustainable start-up at a time.
What We’re Looking for
Don’t worry if you don’t have a business plan just yet. Or if your idea is just scribbled on a piece of paper. You are just the person we need! Provided you have a green business idea and have what it takes to become an entrepreneur. We welcome early stage cleantech ideas for innovations in renewable energy, energy efficiency, food and agriculture, water, transportation, industrial technology, or any other way to tackle climate change. As long as it’s in the cleantech domain: “a scientific innovation that uses existing technology to do more with fewer resources, and has a commercial driver.” Application deadline is 7th June 2024!
Who can enter the Competition:
To enter the competition, submit your idea or innovation with environmental impact. All entries will be reviewed and ideas that fit the bill of our competition get invited to join. Once selected, we’ll help you fast track that idea into a business and bypass all possible pitfalls along the way. You’ll learn how to get your idea funded and launched. The Boot Camp and coaching sessions will help you develop your idea to a rock-solid plan. You will pitch this during the national and the regional finals. Winners of each regional Final will go on to compete in the Global grand finale.
The programme
What can I win?
Application Deadline: 7th June 2024