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Month: May 25, 2017

Green business idea competition gains global impact

 PRESS RELEASE Over 750 promising sustainability ideas to battle ClimateLaunchpad Competition February 16, 2017 – ClimateLaunchpad kicks off the fourth edition of its successful green business idea competition in Amsterdam, welcoming Serbia, Azerbaijan, France and Germany as new participating countries. With interest from Argentina, India, Kenya and Australia, ClimateLaunchpad is no longer a European affair.

Private sector and the Global Goals

A story is told of a company that went and re-forested a section of the Mau Forest as part of corporate responsibility. However, a few months after they had nurtured the trees, a private developer came and cleared all the trees that were now established and on their way to maturity. The company was devastated.

Availing a variety of energy services to counties

Provision of accessible and clean energy solutions for Kenyans still remains one of the most challenging and time consuming processes. Getting end users to change their behavior towards adopting cleaner energy sources and cook stoves may require a lot more patience and hard work. Kenyans have over the years been reliant on biomass energy for

The Big Shift Campaign; clean energy now

Christian Aid, an International (British) Non-Governmental Organization working in Kenya  to eradicate poverty has launched a global campaign on promoting clean and renewable energy dubbed the “Big Shift”. The campaign aims at influencing a shift of investment away from fossils fuels to renewable energy while promoting access to affordable, reliable and sustainable energy. In Kenya

Supporting entrepreneurs through the KCIC Green-Tech Accelerator Program

Over the years, the Kenya Climate Innovation Center (KCIC) has been supporting innovations in clean technology in order to adapt to climate change effects and spur green growth. The KCIC Green Tech Accelerator program was launched in order to address rapid business growth of enterprises and make them investment ready through a raft of services

Climate Change at a glance 003

To Drive Growth lets Tap Green Energy Despite the little contribution to greenhouse gas emission from developing countries and especially in Africa, Kenya and Africa in general continue to be adversely affected by climate change.  Drought does not only mean shortage of food in the country but this also has an effect on electricity as

Climate Change at a Galance 002

Homes Owners face jail for not installing solar power/ Business daily 21st April 2017 The energy (solar heating regulation) regulation of 2012 under section 3 provide that “All premises within the jurisdiction of a local authority with hot water requirements of a capacity exceeding one hundred litres per day shall install and use solar heating

Climate change at a glance 001

Climate Change at a Glance April 3rd to 7th Drought Dampens hopes of a prosperous Turkana…. Business daily/APRIL 6 Even though oil and aquifers were discovered in Turkana five years ago. Drought has occurred again shattering the dreams of Turkana. The residents of Turkana have lost their animals to the drought and all they can