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Month: July 23, 2020

How Poseidon Pump Systems is harnessing energy from moving traffic

Kenya and other developing countries are experiencing exponential growth in their populations leading to an ever-growing demand for domestic and industrial use as well as increased waste water. The existing infrastructure is struggling to sustain this growth leading to water shortages and poor handling of waste water resulting in various sanitary issues.  Poseidon Pump Systems

Renewable energy and industrialisation: Focus on SMEs

Kenya is a renewable energy resource rich in solar, geothermal, wind, hydro and biomass with potential to harness tidal energy. Currently, 70% of Kenya’s energy is from renewable resources set up as grid connected and stand–alone power systems, placing the country in third position after Iceland (100%) and Norway (98%), among the global economies powered

Spurring rural economies through renewable energy sources

When Anthony Mayodi cofounded Rafode as a microfinance institution in 2007, the main focus was in supporting SMEs access affordable loans. He would have considered it a figment of one’s imagination had anyone told him at the time that the non deposit microfinance organization would venture into the sale of renewable energy products. “When we

What new taxation means for renewable energy in Kenya

Kenya’s renewable energy landscape has witnessed increased transformation over the years, largely driven by favorable government policy that is shifting towards the provision of affordable, reliable and sustainable energy.  This has been informed by a number of factors key among them the need to reach the energy poor sections of the society, such as off-grid

Kamida Sunflower oil improving communities

In 2007, Paul Ogalo had a vision for his community, in Migori County. His vision entailed improving health and sanitation conditions, which he did through Center for Regeneration and Empowerment of Africa through Africa (CREATA), an NGO initially funded by KNVB, UNICEF, and Aqua for All. With the support he received he was able to