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Author: Vivian Kwame

Eighty-five climate-friendly innovations qualify for #NoWasteChallenge finals

Eighty-five climate-friendly innovations have qualified for the #NoWasteChallenge competition finals announced by What Design Can Do (WDCD). The global-design competition by WDCD and IKEA Foundation, in partnership with Kenya Climate Innovation Centre (KCIC), was launched earlier this year to seek out designers and innovators worldwide to create and find innovations that offer a solution to

KCIC Group holds ‘Akwaaba’ to reset and further build the organisation

KCIC Group yesterday held a team building event best known to the company as ‘Akwaaba’, to unwind after a busy first quarter of the year and also interact physically for the first time after the pandemic hit globally. ‘Akwaaba’ which means welcome in Twi, a language of the  Akan people of Ghana, is an activity

Are insect feeds the future of the animal feed industry?

An increase in wealth, urbanization and global population growth, more so in Africa and Asia, has created changes in the global consumption patterns, lifestyle and food preferences. This has led to an increase in animal protein demand.  There is a high demand for livestock feeds and the limited resources are feeling the pressure to meet

Kenya’s losing battle against e-waste

Electronic waste (e-waste) has proven to be a fundamental challenge for Kenya over the years. Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Centre (WEEE Centre) states that Kenya generates an average of 3,000 tons of e-waste each year from electronic devices such as computers, monitors, printers, mobile phones, fridges and batteries just to mention a few. The

Fast fashion: An environmental disaster

The fashion industry has been rapidly growing. In the last 15 years alone, clothing production has doubled, accounting for 60% of all the textile production. The Green America’s Toxic textile report states that the textile industry alone produces 1.2 billion tons of carbon dioxide per year and accounts for around 20 percent of global industrial

European Council’s President visits KCIC to witness the progress of the AgriBiz Programme

On Tuesday, 9th March 2021, The President of the European Council, His Excellency Charles Michel, made a courtesy visit to Kenya Climate Innovation Centre (KCIC) to witness at first hand the progress and impact of the AgriBiz Programme. In the company of the European Council’s President was the Danish Ambassador Ole Thonke, Kenya Cabinet Secretary

How Kenya is fighting waste management for a cleaner and safer environment

As waste keeps piling up on landfills and dumpsites, more ventures are coming up with different ways of recycling waste into art and other creative innovations to help curb waste management. In Kenya, both the government and the youth are at the forefront of mitigating plastic pollution and waste management in general through policies and

Kenya School of Government visits KCIC to explore partnership opportunities

Kenya School of Government (KSG) paid a visit to Kenya Climate Innovation Centre (KCIC) with the aim of exploring partnership opportunities and learning more about the organisation in relation to the role they play towards the environmental and climate impact. Through this visit, both KSG and KCIC were able to get a better understanding of

Rethinking our production and consumption cycle for a sustainable world

Given the recent estimates, our global footprint now exceeds the world’s capacity to regenerate by about 30%. If the current demands continue, by 2030 we will need the equivalent of two planets to maintain our lifestyle. The latest trend within the sustainability sector, Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP), is keen on promoting a system which

What Ksh 5.1 billion agribusiness programme entails for Isiolo

Isiolo County has partnered with Kenya Climate Innovation Centre (KCIC) to set up Business Incubation Hub (BIH) under the AgriBiz programme funded by the European Union and Denmark to boost its agribusiness sector. Under this partnership, Isiolo county joins other six counties who are also benefiting from the Ksh 5.1 billion programme with the aim