
Pixi is a creative multi-concept WordPress theme will help business owners create awesome websites.

Address: 121 King St, Dameitta, Egypt
Phone: +25-506-345-72
Email: motivoweb@gmail.com


Kings Biofuels Limited

Brief Profile: Kings Biofuels is plugging into the circular economy by engaging in the production of briquettes from biomass waste. Briquettes are a good substitute for non-renewable energy sources as they are made using waste. Agri and forest waste is converted into compact briquetes which can be used by industries to power boilers as a

Aqua Ethanol Technologies Limited

Brief Profile: This concept aims at producing bioethanol from water hyacinth in lakes using microbial systems (fungi). This will help in reducing the water hyacinth menace while producing cheaper, renewable fuel which will result in a reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) and reduce dependency on non-renewable fossil fuels. Entrepreneur Name: Eric Gathirwa Email: ericgathirwak@gmail.com

GreenMeal Feeds Limited

Brief Profile: Green Meal Feed (GMF) is a business enterprise located in Isiolo which manufactures livestock feeds. The depletion of rangelands due to increasing population and drought has created a high demand for alternative sources of feed for the livestock farmers in the ASAL areas. This avails a huge business opportunity for Green Meal Feeds.

Endnep Innovations Limited

Brief Profile: Endnep Innovation processes organic pesticides and plants crops for export. The pesticide is organic and conforms to green energy priorities . The company sells its product at kes  2000 abag and kes 2500 a packet of fertilizer. Endnep innovations aims to offer this solution through seminars and farm visits. Entrepreneur Name:Endoveria Humphress Email:hendoveria@yahoo.com

How ISO 26000 can benefit your organization

An In-Depth Review of ISO 26000 Organizations do not exist in a bubble. Both small and large organizations are a part of broader economic, political and societal systems. They therefore need to recognize and support the wellbeing of the communities within which they operate. The easiest way to do this is by initiating corporate social

Kamida Sunflower oil improving communities

In 2007, Paul Ogalo had a vision for his community, in Migori County. His vision entailed improving health and sanitation conditions, which he did through Center for Regeneration and Empowerment of Africa through Africa (CREATA), an NGO initially funded by KNVB, UNICEF, and Aqua for All. With the support he received he was able to

Reap More by Working With the Government

Picture courtesy of planning.go.ke If you want your business to succeed in a developing economy align your strategy to the country’s strategic development agenda. This is especially crucial for Small and Medium Enterprises which are prone to various risks and uncertainties. Aligning yourself with the government’s strategy not only  buffers your business from risks but it can

Lifting the veil: Recognizing the important role of climate entrepreneurs in the marketplace

Have we for so long interpreted capitalism too narrowly? As we seek to answer this question, we ought to think clearly about the role and mission of an entrepreneur within this dimension. Do entrepreneurs exist only to maximize profits? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. However, if we hold the former view about entrepreneurs, we may end

Breakthrough the noise as a start-up to let customers know you have a superior solution

It was lunch time and I was very hungry. I therefore decide to go to my favourite restaurant to have lunch. I ordered my favorite meal. However when it came it was not cooked the way I wanted. I ate because I was hungry. As usual the waitress came and asked how was your meal