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Farming without the use of conventional soil

Climate change has reared its ugly head on livestock production by making it increasingly difficult due to lack of pasture and fodder for the animals coupled by the high cost of animal feeds. In the recent years, the country has experienced extensive drought which has affected food production in the country. Therefore, conventional methods of

Supporting farmers to use bio-diesel water pumps

Kitui industries was established in 1980, but has been involved in renewable energy since 2011.The company seeks to alleviate the challenge of access to water for sanitation and agriculture by offering small holder farmers with bio-diesel water pumps and generators. Through these they can economically and sustainably improve their food security and incomes. This will

Powering Kenya through Solar

Access to electricity is considered a very prestigious thing particularly in rural Kenya where majority of the population have no access to the grid. While the Kenyan government has taken step to ensure access to electricity, majority of the rural population and people living in informal settlement still have no access to the grid. Access

Accounting for water consumption in homes through tokens

As water rapidly continues to become a scarce commodity in most urban and rural towns, one has no choice other than to pay for the service despite the limited or no supply. Failure to pay may result in disconnection. Buying tokens for the water just like electricity before consumption seems to be the better alternative.

Help Farmers in Kitui County to purchase bio-diesel water pumps

Kitui Industries The Problem: Kitui County is a semi-arid area, which has of late been suffering the negative effects of climate change. Erratic rainfall coupled with increased temperatures have worsened food availability in an already food insecure region. The majority of the population are engaged in subsistence agriculture, and this change has left them in

Climate change pinch: The prevailing drought in Kenya

Drought in Kenya has become cyclical and predictable. The effects of climate change become more pronounced each day and it is evident that they are at fever pitch. Climate change increases vulnerability and drought is a clear symptom of chronic vulnerability. Even without the incidences of drought, the country is yet to attain food security.

Entrepreneurship can address Kenya’s drought crisis

The drought situation that Kenya is currently experiencing ranges from moderate to severe especially in the coastal and northern parts of the country. It is predicted that the situation is likely to get worse in the coming months up until April when the long rains are expected. However, in the past two years, there has

Turning ‘poop’ into fuel

Accessibility to sanitation facilities in Kenya still remains a challenge for many. One in seven million people worldwide still practise open defecation. A report by World Health Organisation (WHO) and UNICEF Joint Monitoring Program (JMP) 2015, estimates that only 30 per cent (31 per cent of urban and 30 per cent of rural), which is

Briquette making proves to be a solution for deforestation

Maa Briquettes has been in operation for the last three years. The founder, George Mochu, an alumnus of Kenyatta University was unable to secure employment after his studies. In an interview at Joyful Women’s Organization, he met the Deputy President’s wife, Rachel Ruto, who challenged him by asking him what initiative he would come up

Happy new year message from KCIC

This year will see us at KCIC implementing the first year of our new strategy which focuses the work of the center around three themes; incubation, finance and awareness creation of climate smart technologies. This will be implemented through the deliberate support of the private sector specially the small and medium enterprises that are looking