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The role of innovative partnerships in achieving the SDGs

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a major component of the Agenda for Sustainable Development of 2030 which is an initiative that was adopted by member states of the United Nations in 2015. According to the United Nations (UN), it is estimated that the world needs between $5 trillion and $7 trillion per year from

Agricultural insurance: The savior of the post pandemic era

It seems like Kenya’s agribusiness sector is always under siege. Over the years, the agricultural industry has faced many unending challenges. Despite this, it is still the backbone of the economy and will require heavy investment and protection if it is to remain that way. The most recent attack on the agricultural sector is the

KCV is hiring

Tala Iconic Business World: Empowering Women and Youth through Agribusiness

According to the 2017 World Food Prize laureate, Dr. Akinwumi Adesina, “the future of African youth lies in agriculture.”  This future can be realized through empowering women and youth in agribusiness as well as creating employment opportunities for them. Nelson Mutugi, an ambitious entrepreneur, ventured into agribusiness with the zeal for social change to ensure

Tree Bags Africa Limited

Brief Profile: Treebags is a biosolutions packaging company that supplies and distributes seedling bags and is in the process of setting up a manufacturing biodegradable packaging materials plant made from cassava. Entrepreneur Name: Brian Mwema Email: mwema.brian@gmail.com Phone number: 0780007420 Website: N/A Location: Nairobi Thematic Area: Waste Management

Storm Water

Brief Profile: Storm water is in the business of turning plastic waste into affordable building and fencing materials (i.e. Cabros paving blocks, plastic fencing posts, roofing tiles) as well as turning waste glass bottles into cullet for tile and Cabro production. This is be achieved by recycling of waste generated from households, dumped in landfills


Brief Profile: Nutriento is based in Nairobi, Kenya and sells animal feed & fertilizers products in the local market, which otherwise relies on expensive imported ingredients like omena and soya. Our clients are premium animal feed producers, chicken farmers and fish farmers. We sell directly to our clients. Our food system produces enormous volumes of

Mwangombe & Son Coconut Husk Utilization Project

Brief Profile: They are converting waste coconut husk into household material for example mats. This ensures they do not end up in the landfills where they are burned in open air. Entrepreneur Name: Cosmus Wangombe Email: Phone number: 0711824589 Website: N/A Location: Mombasa Thematic Area: Waste Management

House of Waste Limited

Brief Profile: House Out of Waste manufactures plastic posts by chemically moulding granules into solid post of any shape and sizes.  The company collects plastics from the industrial waste side site. The waste plastics are  prepared by sorting to separate from metals and other unwanted material,shredding,washing,drying,and then extrusion into moulds that can produce the desired

Dandora Walcy Taka Back

Brief Profile: Dandora Walcy Taka Bank is an organization that is fully focused on youth empowerment to inspire the community to eradicate rampant dumping of solid waste materials; be it plastic, paper, glass, tin or any other commodity. The organization started in Dandora, which is the largest waste dump site in Kenya, and spread to