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The role of technology in Climate Change

  • By admin
  • February 21, 2018
  • 0 Comment

Avoiding the impact of climate change simply means reducing the emission of green house gases. Climate change solutions lie in technological innovations and creativity in response to the effects of climate change. Across the years it has been evident policy development and change around climate change has been full of controversy. A look at the situation in different countries this is quite evident. A prominent example being the very unclear stand of the United States on the Climate Change agenda. That not with standing various countries have committed to the climate change agenda and in different ways supporting the adaptation and mitigation strategies. One way of addressing climate change as mentioned is through innovative technological solutions. The true threat of climate change is the effect this has on Sustainable Development the adverse effects are felt by the poor and future generations. Technology adaptation is in the form of both soft and hard technology for climate change. Soft technology is where people take insurance for various aspects of climate change and they caution themselves from the likelihood of paying for the adverse effects of climate change and thus transfer this risk to a third party. Hard technology is where technical solutions are developed to respond to the risks of climate change. Soft and hard technology is used differently depending on what organizations or individuals aim at achieving. The technological innovations have run across different sectors and have solutions that are different at each level. As I looked through the newspaper last week I came across a report of an application that has been developed to help herders in Kajiado to find pasture. The application has been designed to show the density of vegetation and availability of water in the different areas. The application, Afriscout, got me thinking about the role technology plays in responding to climate change. One remembers that one of the most common and earliest innovations in climate change was solar products that came to provide clean energy. What both of the technologies mentioned above bring to my mind is who the target market for the technologies are. One would wonder how many pastorist in Kajiado have access to smart phones to be able to access the application. The first step to be able to use the technology is to have the necessary software to use the technology. Numerous of the technologies developed that respond to climate change target the poor in society and thus one of the considerations should be the accessibility of this technologies and how useful they are to the target market. Kenya Climate Innovation Centre has been supporting businesses in clean tech and one of the main agenda KCIC has had, has been looking at the viability of the technologies especially to the target markets. Technologies should be able to build a business case and at the same time have a target market they respond to. Technology is the solution to responding to climate change however the challenge remains the design of this technologies specific to the markets. Picture Courtesy of https://www.thenewsminute.com