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What the launch of the Machakos BIH means for rural communities

  • By Tobias Meso
  • March 24, 2022
  • 0 Comment

Agripreneurs in Machakos county and the broader regions of Makueni, Kajiado and Kitui counties have all the reasons to smile as Kenya Climate Innovation Center (KCIC) launched the Machakos Business Incubation Hub (BIH) at Machakos ATC on 14th March 2022. 

It was all glamor and pomp as the state-of-the-art Business Incubation Hub was launched. The event was graced by the Machakos Deputy Governor, H.E Francis Maliti, the ministry of agriculture officials and other county officials.

The regions of Makueni, Kitui, Machakos and Kajiado counties have not been at the very top on matters of agriculture because of the climatic challenges of the region. The lack of market for farm produce, access to finances and advisory services have also been a challenge to the agribusiness enthusiasts in the region. 

Machakos BIH brings a ray of hope to these stakeholders. According to the European Union (EU), Head of Cooperation, Irene Giribaldi, the BIH will counter these challenges and offer farmers the resources they require to grow their ventures.

Irene Giribaldi encouraged the stakeholders present to motivate young people into pursuing agribusiness. “This business hub will provide support services and initial fundings for agriculture value chains, SMEs, CBOs and start-ups. The support services from the hub will include training, incubation services, acceleration services, access to capital, provision of mentorship and investor readiness.” She added.

The business incubation hub will bring new hope to Agribiz beneficiaries in the region. Speaking during the launch of the BIH, Kenya Climate Innovation Center (KCIC) Director of Corporate Services, Ruth Ndegwa, highlighted the key areas the BIH will directly impact. “This is a home where you will be coming to receive the necessary support that you require. It will be able to host 30 entrepreneurs at any given time. We are aware the biggest challenge in this area is the market for your products. And as KCIC through this AgriBiz programme, we are committed to supporting you in terms of sourcing for the market for your products. We will achieve this through exhibitions and forums that will be able to place your products in the market,” said Ruth.

Machakos Hub is one of the 8 BIHs that KCIC is launching across the country. The AgriBiz program was designed to provide concrete business and employment opportunities for youth and women in the agribusiness sector. The idea of the program is to mobilize funds that will support MSMEs towards the achievement of sustainable goals (SDGs). 

Through the launch of these hubs, smallholders are coming on board and more agribusinesses are being reached. The Machakos BIH will impact lives directly and indirectly and become a great pillar towards achieving a sustainable future.