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Tackling Climate change in already vulnerable areas

  • By Tobias Meso
  • August 8, 2022
  • 0 Comment

The subtle and obvious effects of climate change are being felt by people everywhere. The destructive effects of a rapidly changing climate and the urgent need for answers are demonstrated by gradually altering weather patterns, increasing sea levels, and more extreme weather occurrences. Although all nations on all continents are impacted by climate change, not all of them suffer equal repercussions. People already oppressed and impoverished frequently experience the most challenging consequences and have the least capacity to cope. Every day the climate crisis persists, it becomes harder for them to make a living, feed their family, and build stable houses.

According to the world bank, as a result of more moisture being able to be held by the atmosphere due to rising global temperatures, storms and heavy rains are produced. Still, paradoxically, more intense dry spells are also experienced due to altered weather patterns around the globe. These modifications to the hydrological cycle have the potential to cause droughts and floods that are more severe, last longer, and affect regions of the world that have never before experienced these dangers. Identifying a location or nation that will not see increased difficulties coping with these extremes in the near future is challenging.

In Kenya, the  most vulnerable individuals are persevering despite this, working to produce food, make the most of limited resources, and withstand frequent disasters. Just as important as widespread solutions are the daily efforts being made by residents of hard-hit areas to combat the effects of the climate crisis. Future resilience will be determined by the actions taken today by institutions through assisting people who are overcoming the challenge on the front lines.

Kambi ya Juu dairy farmers group is one such group in Northern Kenya that has beaten all odds to remain afloat in the drought-hit region. The group which started with goat keeping for dairy milk lost all the goats due to drought in their first year and was forced to begin afresh. Irene Kanana, the group’s chairperson, narrated how they had to look for another venture to keep their business hopes alive. “We had to pick ourselves up again, so we decided to venture into beekeeping. We currently have 80 hives and we have just done our first harvest,” said Kanana.

Since this was their first harvest, they have not yet branded their honey products. The group has challenges in harvesting equipment and is currently using traditional methods to refine their harvested honey. They add no additives to their honey. The group targets to have their refinery and looks forward to getting loans and grants from supportive institutions. They look forward to having all the necessary paperwork and documentation. “The supply is low and the demand for the product is high. As long as people have realized your product is genuine and legit, you will get enough orders and referrals,” added Kanana.

The group, which is a beneficiary of the KCIC AgriBiz program, learnt about KCIC through the county Director of Agriculture and Livestock Dr. Mwongera. The director told them about the AgriBiz program, in which they applied and got enrolled. The group will receive necessary training and mentorship that will help them take their business to the next level.

The struggle against the climate issue cannot be omitted. KCIC works with individuals and communities experiencing the most severe consequences of climate change, providing information, resources and training to help them stay safe, overcome obstacles, and prosper in the ever-changing environment.