Frans Nauta
Founder ClimateLaunchpad
Frans is a European working in Silicon Valley and a ‘Valleyean’ working in Europe on innovation & entrepreneurship, with a focus on climate change and innovation ecosystems.
Kick starting new stuff is what he does best, especially on the cross roads of startups, innovation and innovation ecosystems. Some of the things he has started include:
The ClimateLaunchPad (CLP) (www.climatelaunchpad.eu) the world’s largest competition for clean tech business ideas, running for the first time in Africa in Kenya.
Climate-KIC Startup Accelerator, that has served approximately 600 startups and attracted over €300 M in funding
Dutch Innovation Platform chaired by the Dutch Prime Minister, designing a new innovation policy for the country
Kennisland (www.kl.nl), the leading Dutch think tank on social innovation and knowledge economy.
Environmental monitoring system of the city of Amsterdam
First canal boats on clean natural gas in the canals of Amsterdam (still going strong)
Aside from kick starting own projects Frans is engaged in innovation consultancy, coaching startups, teaching and writing. He has in the last few years focused on clean tech: finding commercially viable solutions for a sustainable planet.
Frans will be the trainer at the Kenyan inaugural boot camp scheduled for the 26th and 27th July 2017. The participants will have the privilege of being trained and interacting one on one with the founder of ClimateLaunchPad and a person passionate about clean tech.