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Countering Deforestation

  • By Tobias Meso
  • September 27, 2022
  • 0 Comment

Kenya currently experiences high rates of deforestation, endangering both plants and animals. According to estimates, Kenya’s forest cover has decreased from 10% to 6% since independence, a loss of almost 12,000 hectares yearly. These levels of deforestation have damaged the country because most of its inhabitants depend on the forest to store rainwater, prevent flooding, maintain soil fertility, and control climate. The primary causes of deforestation are numerous and intricate, including unrestricted charcoal manufacture, logging of native trees, animal grazing, quarry landslides, human settlements among others.

Numerous issues can be resolved by stopping further deforestation. The protection of millions of animal and plant species, lowering global warming, preventing floods, restoring indigenous livelihoods, and most importantly, investing in a more sustainable future can all be considerably improved by halting deforestation. Because of this, there are numerous and significant advantages to halting deforestation, which makes its commencement necessary. More carbon dioxide would be released from clearing the world’s forests compared to what is contained in the known worldwide reserves of oil, coal, and gas. If deforestation is stopped by 2030, the globe would have reduced emissions by 18%, which is the amount necessary to prevent runaway climate change.

Without these trees, the globe will be hotter and drier. To finance the preservation of forests, there must be a global carbon price. Additionally, nations with tropical forests should conserve sizable portions of their forest cover to balance agricultural rainfall and maintain a stable regional climate. Further, a quarter of the CO2 people add to the atmosphere is absorbed by trees and other plants, reducing warming temperatures that fuel considerable forest fires and minimizing the severity of climate change potential effects.

The cycle of water is not complete without trees. Deforestation is destroying the water cycle, and as a result, the world is gradually becoming arid. According to research, forests are the source of 75% of the world’s freshwater. Evapotranspiration, which occurs in trees, is a mechanism that continues the water cycle. It draws water from the earth and releases it into the air as small droplets. These droplets then ascend and cool to form clouds, which bring rain. Without trees, there would be minimal or no rainfall.

Forests decrease flooding dangers. The beautiful ground cover provided by forests also slows down the stormwater flow. In addition, it takes in extra water and stores it for later use. Thus, forests can aid in lowering the likelihood of floods by slowing the rate at which water flows from hills and mountains into streams and rivers. Moreover, it assists the earth in absorbing water and releasing it gradually. 

KCIC is on the forefront of countering deforestation by supporting enterprises in arid areas that are focused on ending the vice. Deep Oceans Timberyard is one such entity based in Laikipia that deals with tree nurseries, thus promoting reforestation in arid areas. The company is a beneficiary of the AgriBiz program.