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Agribiz takes center stage at the Kiambu County Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Week

  • By Tobias Meso
  • April 1, 2022
  • 0 Comment

A more recent development is the role of technological innovation in addressing societal problems such as climate change. The high emission of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has increased dramatically, particularly carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. These gases hasten climate change because they trap heat in the atmosphere, causing the earth’s average temperature to rise. On the other hand, the world is fighting back to adapt to climate change and its impact. Innovation has become one of the essential tools for any growing economy to propel climate change action.

The Kiambu County government partnered with the National government, Kenya Climate Innovation Center (KCIC), Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB) and other stakeholders to host the Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship week at the JKUAT industrial park grounds. ICT cabinet secretary Joe Mucheru, Kiambu Governor James Nyoro, and other dignitaries were in attendance.

The region’s youth and women showcased their innovations during the event with a panel discussion and speeches from the dignitaries crowning the event. In his remarks, ICT Cabinet Secretary Joe Mucheru cited the need for youth to focus more on innovations to curb the increasing rate of unemployment and the charging effects of climate change. “The government has provided crucial supportive infrastructure for our innovative youths. We believe that these innovations can solve major challenges facing the country like food, unemployment, security and health,” Mucheru said.

Kiambu Governor James Nyoro, who hosted the event, stated that the county would capitalize on the top innovations and ensure that they are scaled up, including by connecting them to institutions such as KCIC for assistance. “We will also link our young innovators with established entrepreneurs so that they can commercialize their work,” Nyoro said.

More than 200 youth from various universities, colleges, and enterprises displayed their innovations during the four-day event. Over 30 exhibitors were from KCIC’s Agribiz program showcasing their products and innovations.

One of the innovations that attracted many, including the ICT CS and the Governor, is the Plotus Innovation Company which is under the Agribiz programme. The company designs and produces Incu-Brooders, a two-in-one automatic incubator and brooder machine. It can automatically hatch eggs then automatically brood chicks for up to 7 weeks using solar energy.

At the exhibitions, another Agribiz client pulled the crowds, Kimplanters seedlings and nurseries. This is a youth and women-led company specializing in seed raising/ propagation for horticultural crops, fruits, herbs and trees to sell to farmers of all capacities from large scale, small scale to kitchen garden.

Another exhibition that drew attention was by Farmers smile. A youth-owned business involved in feed formulation, milling and distribution under the Farmers smile brand. The owner and founder, Peter Nganga organizes farmer training sessions for dairy and other value chains. “Farmers can now get quality farm inputs and we have also created employment through the value chains,” Peter said.

Kiambu county Agribiz hub manager Karen Chege said it was time for youth to go the innovation way if a sustainable future is to be achieved. ” At KCIC we are impressed by the high number of youth and women focused on innovation. This has been reflected by what has been showcased here today. We will keep supporting these ideas and innovations as they are the backbone of our economy,” she said.