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Homabay based enterprise making inroads in organic farming 

  • By Millicent Abilah
  • May 19, 2022
  • 0 Comment

Our airwaves are filled every day with news of extreme weather phenomena worldwide, from historic floods to fires, earthquakes, droughts, etc. These climate crises are the effects of decades of man-made abuse of the earth. Our planet is a victim, and the only way to right the ship and save the planet for future generations is to radically change our current patterns of doing and being.

In 2015, the United Nations adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as Global Goals, as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity.

Today, Africa must confront how to create food security and nutrition for its 1 billion+ population while maintaining a sustainable planet for its future generation. The answer lies in a multi-level integrated approach to sustainable living that involves everyone, from the individual to the local, regional, national government, and businesses. 

Seven Fields Enterprises was birthed against this backdrop of creating inclusive economic growth, food security, and protecting the planet. Our mission is to chart a new path for smallholder farmers in West Kanyada, Homabay County, to adopt transparent and environmentally friendly organic farming practices. Founded ten years ago by a Kenyan farmer and entrepreneur, Ms. Millicent Abillah, Seven Fields Enterprises has continued to be a champion of organic farming.

To us, organic farming means that communities eat better and stay healthier. The overall community health index goes up, life expectancy increases, national productivity goes up, and all of these benefits come with no harm to our planet. 

At Seven Fields Enterprises, we believe that organic farming has to be at the forefront of the global campaign to end poverty and protect the planet. We have, therefore, created a market for the local farmers to sell their products at better prices and improve their livelihoods. We have made a tremendous social impact on many rural families that rely on farming as their primary source of income. 

Organic farming respects the entire value chain of food production by using natural farming methods from land preparation, planting to harvesting. This means that our produce is naturally grown, healthier, tastes better, has more nutritional value, and is not genetically modified. Moreover, organic farming helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions and enhances soil moisture retention giving rise to higher crop yields with minimum tillage. 

With this type of farming, flora and fauna can thrive, making the environment fresh and clean, which reduces airborne disease. I can attest to the many wild plants on our farms like Aloe Vera (medicinal). Imagine picking the much sought-after Aloe Vera from the fields in its natural state for wound healing, picking cherry tomatoes for your next meal, or that fresh mango under a tree. 

Other benefits of organic farming include:

  • Healthier working conditions for the farmers(no harmful chemicals or pesticides)
  • Healthier human life and better living for everyone
  • Natural manure-this include green manure, animal manure, and cover crops
  • Crop rotation- helps in retaining soil fertility. More vital yields equate to more food.

A report produced jointly by the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), the African Union (AU), the African Development Bank (AfDB), and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) asserts that while many African countries have made cursory progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals, much more needs to be done. 

Millicent Abilah is the CEO of Seven Fields Enterprises.