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Green Growth as our Collective Responsibility as Global Citizens

  • By Pamela Okutoyi
  • July 19, 2021
  • 0 Comment

By Muindi Kimanzi

Kenya is endowed with many scenic natural resources such as grand water bodies in the, mountains, historical sites and great fertile lands. People around the world intend to visit Kenya at least once in their lifetime. The country sits at the heart of Africa offering a gateway into the continent, welcoming trade, tourism and growth and development in different sectors of society. Despite these many great activities in our country, Kenya is not exempt from the harsh reality of climate change and its effects on the environment.

Several places in the country experience severe drought and food scarcity, especially in the Northern and Eastern parts of Kenya. With a population of over 50 million and growing, it becomes increasingly important for organizations to join up and come up with interventions towards curbing the menace that is climate change. Organizations such as Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) through intensive research are able to provide seeds that are water and weather resistant to ensure that food is available for the growing population in the different parts of the country.

This is commendable considering the rising cases of reduced water volumes and unpredictable rainfall, all of these and more are contributed due to the effects of climate change. Whereas KARLO and Kenya Climate Innovation Center (KCIC) are key players in mitigating climate change effects and creating a better world, it is  important for other organizations and  individuals to realise that it is in collaborative efforts that change will be achieved. We have to protect the planet.

Green growth is definitely a collective responsibility and all humans should actively engage in it. Rebecca Miano, Managing Director at KenGen during a past interview, talked about the huge milestones Kenya has made in the geothermal space. She alludes to the statistics that show how Kenya is ranked 12th in the world in the use of renewable energy, and 9th in the world in regards to geothermal energy. 

Such facts are encouraging and remind us that the war against climate change is active and there is still more work to be done by us, the people. At an individual level we can reduce land pollution through use of proper disposal methods and also seek out alternative energy sources such as briquettes and bios gas hence reducing carbon emissions. Schools and public institutions also need to engage in educating and enabling environmental conscious growth in youth.

We only get one Earth to live in, let us all take great care of it.