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Lisha Bora calls out to investors for a fundraising round

  • By Mercy Mumo
  • June 2, 2017
  • 0 Comment

Getting the right feeds for your animals is not an easy task. But once you crack it, everything falls into place and you begin to reap the profits. According to International Livestock Research Institute, the dairy sector is vital in poverty alleviation in both the rural and urban areas as it contributes to food and nutritional security and increased household incomes.

Lisha Bora was established in 2015 by Graham Benton to improve the quality of feeds for dairy animals. After working with smallholder dairy farmers for 4 years in Kenya’s biogas industry, Graham saw a need to improve the feeds and milk value chains. The company offers silage, commercial feeds and extension services.

“65% of Kenya’s milk is produced by smallholder dairy farmers who are falling short of their cows’ genetic potential because they do not have access to quality inputs, essential services, and technical information,” noted Graham.

Using hydroponic farming, LishaBora created a dairy feed that is nutritious and affordable in order to increase the amount of milk produced by smallholder dairy farmers. The milk is collected through the dairy cooperatives. By measuring how much milk each cow produced before they start feeding the cows their product, they are able to compare how much milk each cow produces in a week, a month, and beyond after initial product use.

Graham believes that eliminating poverty through innovation and education in the dairy sector of Kenya can be achieved. They envision an Africa with a strong dairy sector that not only feeds the communities in which they operate, but an Africa that feeds the world. They attribute that many of the 1.8 million dairy farmers earn less than $2 USD a day due to limited options, low quality, and high cost of dairy feed currently available in the market.

As one of the clients at Kenya Climate Innovation Center (KCIC), the company has benefited from business advisory, trainings, business strategy development, market planning and grant funding.

The company is undertaking a fundraising round and is inviting investors and partners to be part of its future growth. If interested in participating contact Graham Benton ggosbenton@gmail.com

By Mercy Mumo