Partnerships are key in fronting innovations to thrive as profitable ventures. Last week Laikipia County graced its first Innovation and Entrepreneurship Fair at Nyahururu Stadium.
Working with the county governments in identifying and supporting innovations is one of the services that KCIC is keen on providing. “We welcome other counties to work with us in identifying and supporting innovations in order to increase jobs through entrepreneurship,” noted the KCIC CEO Edward Mungai.
Prior to the event, KCIC trained over 40 enterprises form the county on pitching techniques. The training was conducted by the Client Services Manager Felix Magaju. He noted that pitching was essential for the enterprises especially those that are seeking additional capital injection from investors.
Speaking at the event, the CEO pledged to support six businesses to the tune of $15,000 each. The enterprises included AgriFlora enterprise which manufacturers organic fertilizer from county markets waste, Api-bioculture enterprise which rears a new variety of bees and value addition of the products, Equator wood fuel energy savings limited which is a company that manufacturers cookstoves and installing biogas systems and Laikipia Permaculture. In addition was a student who was producing biogas from the cactus plant and another business producing organic pesticides.
“Having a minimum viable product (MVP) is the first step in fostering innovation,” noted Mr. Mungai adding that innovation is the new form of leadership of the 21st century. “Together we can help foster a culture of innovation in Kenya and we all have a role to play.”
The Governor Laikipia County Hon. Nderitu Muriithi expressed his enthusiasm with the enterprises and encouraged them to continue raising the profile and economy of Laikipia County.
There is need for governments, entrepreneurs, investors, innovators, universities, researchers, incubators and accelerators, counties and the citizens to work together. The two day event witnessed various innovators and businesses come together to showcase their unique products and services.