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KCIC conducts training of trainers on the 4K Clubs Programs

  • By Pamela Okutoyi
  • July 7, 2022
  • 0 Comment

One hundred and one 4K Clubs patrons from Uasin Gishu, Bungoma, Kisii, Meru, Isiolo, Kiambu, Kisii and Kilifi are the beneficiaries of a one-week workshop organized as from 4th to 8th July, to provide the participants with competencies for effective establishment, management and sustainable vibrant 4K Clubs across the counties.

The workshops were held in four phases courtesy of Kenya Climate Innovation Centre under the AgriBiz program in collaboration with the County Government’s department of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives and the Ministry of Education.

The training for teachers from Uasin Gishu, Bungoma and Kisii took place at Starbucks Hotel, Eldoret. The Programme, which was graced by the County Director Ministry of Agriculture, Uasin Gishu County, Mr. Seronei, encouraged youths to take part in the 4K / Young Farmers Clubs activities. It also urged young people to change their mindsets and perceptions about agriculture. A total of 33 participants were trained.

The training in Meru covered teachers from Meru and Isiolo counties. A total of 27 teachers attended the training

In Kilifi, a total of 18 participants were trained inclusive of 10 primary school teachers in Kilifi South.

For Kiambu and Machakos, the 4k club teachers training went down at Eton Hotel, Thika. In attendance were 23 teachers and representatives from the County Governments and ministries of Education and Agriculture.

The TOT Training, which took a multi stakeholder approach with participants from Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock & Fisheries, Ministry of Education, Ministry of ICT, innovation and youth affairs, focused on sensitizing the trainers of trainees (TOTs) on the rebranded 4K Clubs program, getting feedback from TOTs, building a robust network for collaboration and establishment of partners,  outlining the roles of TOTs within the 4K Clubs program and creating a pool of TOTs, for the roll out of the program within the Counties.

In Kenya, agriculture is one of the pillars of the country’s economy, with a great potential to employ yet there is a huge youth population of about 35%, many of whom are unemployed. Most of them are educated, exposed to technology and still energetic.

The challenge is that most of the youths have negative perception and attitude towards agriculture; some have little skills, knowledge and information on matters agriculture, and others have limited access to financial services and farmland while others experience inadequate innovation, research and technology in the field of agriculture.

In the early 90s, the Kenyan education system had an active policy in the curriculum program that emphasized the importance of agriculture, dubbed the 4K Club. Where the four Ks stands for “Kuungana, Kufanya, Kusaidia Kenya” in Kiswahili, loosely translating to coming together, to act, to help Kenya.

With the change in education system, the 4K Clubs became non-operational in schools. This greatly impacted food security causing the government to rethink the strategy of re-branding the Club, targeting the youth as the next generation to leverage on agriculture business.

It is against this backdrop, that President Uhuru Kenyatta on 4th, June last year, re launched the rebranded 4K Clubs in primary schools. Tapping on this potential can significantly boost agriculture ensuring the country is food and nutrition secure, while at the same time offering profitable job opportunities for the many jobless Kenyan youths.

The rebranded 4K Clubs program comprises key thematic areas such as agricultural projects, Agri- nutrition, Environmental conservation, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), Civic engagement and Citizenship and the presidential award scheme.

Youth across the country are encouraged to join 4K clubs to get opportunities to learn not only matters of agriculture, but also nutrition, environment, science, technology, engineering and mathematics (stem) subjects that are crucial for development.