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GreenBiz is transforming farmers’ yields in the Arid Areas

  • By Tobias Meso
  • March 9, 2022
  • 0 Comment

Kenya Climate Innovation Center (KCIC) supports the growth and development of innovative, clean technology business models through the GreeBiz program. The program’s objective is to accelerate green growth in Kenya. For example, in the arid plains of Oloitoktok in Kajiado county, a farmers’ group is doing intensive farming and producing bountiful harvests from their farms. They are achieving this by using organic fertilizer supplied by Leorganic Africa Limited, a beneficiary of the GreenBiz Programme. Leorganic Africa Limited specializes in crop and soil nutrients targeting small-scale farmers in arid and semi-arid areas.

Nalepo farmers have all the reasons to smile when harvest time comes. Small pieces of land are producing more than they are expected to. Recently, one of the farmers became the talk of the town after harvesting 43 – 90kgs bags of maize from a 1-acre piece of land that produces a maximum of 27 bags under normal circumstances.

Irene Ting’oya, who pioneered the use of the organic fertilizer from Leorganic, explained how the organic fertilizer worked wonders for her. “I started using this organic fertilizer in 2018, and I don’t think I will ever stop. My production has been amazing,” she said.

Leorganic fertilizer CEO Mr. Paul Kibogo never thought the fertilizer would receive great reception in the arid region. But, today, he is a happy man because he can help the farmers increase their yields at such a high rate. 

From the GreenBiz program, Leogarnic fertilizers have reached more farmers, thus increasing their productivity and promoting food security. In addition, the fertilizer being organic also plays a vital role in the fight against climate change and its impact on society.

The CEO says KCIC is a reliable partner and an institution that understands the startup ecosystem. “I cannot have any better partner than KCIC. They fully understand what goes on in this world of agribusiness,” he said. “KCIC has helped us with the logistics and enhancements of our business model. We are more than thankful to KCIC.”

“Since joining the GreenBiz program, we have seen a great difference in terms of productivity, profitability and even matters of health. It is a product that works for the farmers and the environment, not forgetting the economic empowerment of our society. The fertilizer is meant to enrich the farms for long periods keeping sustainability into play,” added Kibogo.

The SME is grateful for the support it received from KCIC during the pandemic season. “The pandemic really hit us hard, and without the support from KCIC, maybe we could have stopped our production. So I would love to tell KCIC to keep up the amazing work of supporting small business owners like me. Your impact is beyond Leogarnic. All the farmers who use our product owe it to you,” said Kibogo.

Food production and food security remain core pillars in any growing economy. KCIC will keep supporting SMEs at the forefront of ensuring a sustainable future is achieved. SMEs should focus on climate-friendly innovations and accelerate the mitigation and adaptation of climate change.