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GCA Africa Adaptation Acceleration Day

  • By Tobias Meso
  • October 26, 2021
  • 0 Comment

The Global Centre on Adaptation (GCA), in partnership with the Africa Union (AU) African Development Bank (AfDB) and Africa Adaptation Acceleration Program (AAAP), is today holding the first edition of Africa Adaptation Acceleration Day in Nairobi, Kenya. The event is taking place at the University of Nairobi and prioritizes adaptation actions across Africa. Global leaders are set to discuss a series of steps coercing events towards sustaining momentum for accelerating adaptations on climate change and building resilience in Africa, a continent considered the most vulnerable to climate change, according to the United Nations.

Today’s event comes at a time  when GCA  in partnership with AfDB is conducting the African Youth Adaptation Solutions (YouthADAPT) Challenge. The challenge is meant to give grants to winning youth led and youth owned enterprises implementing solutions for building resilience and adapting to the harsh impacts of climate change in Africa. Such programs and events by the GCA are fundamental in playing key roles towards providing critical input focused on achieving a green, sustainable and climate resilient continent.

Today’s acceleration day is features;

  •         The inaugural annual lecture by GCA CEO Prof. Dr. Patrick Verkooijen on the state of adaptation acceleration.
  •         Launch of the state and trends in adaptation in Africa 2021 report (STA 21).
  •         The GCA Africa partnership forum involved in advancing adaptation across Africa.

GCA CEO Prof. Dr. Patrick Verkooijen is expected to give his inaugural lecture in the afternoon. The lecture is set to highlight the adaptation essentials for Africa ahead of COP26  and the critical importance of accelerating the pace of resilience so that Africa can develop ways to counter and adapt to climate change and cope up with the agency of climate change through the Africa Adaptation Acceleration Program (AAAP).

The CEO’s lecture is set to receive international engagement from global leaders including Dr. Akinwumi Adesina,  the President of the African Development Bank Group; Kristalina Georgieva, the Managing Director of International Monetary Fund;Ban Ki-moon, the 8th Secretary General of the United Nations and also the Chair of the Global Center on Adaptation; Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, the Director-General, World Trade Organization and Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary for UN Climate Change.

 In his inaugural lecture, the CEO will also share the “ State and Trends in adaptation in Africa 2021” report (STA21) which outlines the social and economic benefits of climate adaptation on the continent. The report also puts into perspective the most comprehensive overview of the climate risks Africa is currently facing. It further compares them to the ones projected to come soon. The reports also provide solutions and a blueprint for adaptation actions for the continent in the face of climate change.

The event concludes  with a question and answer session and  a press conference where the media will ask questions to the stakeholders present.