We are a social enterprise established in 2015 after recognizing the need to improve energy efficiency through developing, manufacturing and distributing improved cook stoves and processed dry agricultural biomass fuel otherwise considered as waste. This type of waste is abundant, free and underutilized. Chaff Energy seeks to tap into the underutilized fuel sources that will in the long run reduce deforestation and land degradation due to firewood demand and improve the quality of fuel.
Chaff Energy recognize the fact that wood fuel has remained the most important source of energy in Kenya, meeting over 70% of the country’s total energy consumption needs. It provides 90% of rural household’s energy requirements and 85% of energy in the urban areas. We are cognizant of the fact that this state of affairs is unsustainable as it has major adverse effects to East Africa’s forest reserves and a great health hazard to the said country’s populations; an example being the burning of biomass in closed environments that causes indoor air pollution sometimes proving fatal.One way of mitigating the negative effects of cooking with biomass is the introduction of improved cookstoves.
It’s our passion to design efficient firewood cook stoves to improve this state of our rural communities as a starting point to moving this critical mass to clean fuels. We want to reduce the number of cook stoves a family have by integrating one stove to use multiple fuel types in a smart and efficient way.
Our Products
- Design, develop, fabricate and distribute integrated firewood/charcoal/gel improved cook stove for rural and Peri-urban communities.
- Fabricate and distribute high quality rice husk and pellet gasifiers cook stoves
- Fabricate efficient household charcoal kilns
This is vital in converting firewood into high quality charcoal particularly for small households. This makes charcoal as cheap as firewood. - Process high quality pellets from agricultural waste for use in our gasifier and other cookstoves.
Videos of one of the products
We are currently testing our integrated cookstove (Version 4) with pellets then start patent process in two weeks, therefore pictures might not be available at the moment. However I can share our first prototype (Version 1) attached and compared.
Website: http://www.chaffenergy.co.ke
Email: info@chaffenergy.co.ke
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ChaffEnergy/