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Help Farmers in Kitui County to purchase bio-diesel water pumps

  • By admin
  • February 2, 2017
  • 0 Comment

Kitui Industries

The Problem:

Kitui County is a semi-arid area, which has of late been suffering the negative effects of climate change. Erratic rainfall coupled with increased temperatures have worsened food availability in an already food insecure region. The majority of the population are engaged in subsistence agriculture, and this change has left them in a perpetual cycle of poverty and hunger, as well as a lack of adequate water for sanitation needs.

Our Solution:

We are seeking to alleviate this problem by offering them bio-diesel water pumps and generators, through which they can economically and sustainably improve their food security and incomes. This will be done through the use of bio-diesel which will be used to run this equipment at a much lower cost than conventional diesel thereby reducing their cost of inputs considerably while also provided environmental benefits. The Water Pumps will be used to setup mini irrigation networks, where water from sources such rivers, streams and community dams can be drawn to irrigate individual farms. The Generators will be used to power small scale businesses such as hair salons, welding workshops or refrigerators in off-grid areas, to create alternative incomes for the local population.

The use of bio-diesel will also create an income for the Farmers as it is produced from locally grown cotton. The cotton is processed at a local factory and the cotton seeds are further processed into oil and then bio-diesel. Therefore our model creates a cycle that creates a ready market for the Farmers cotton, while at the same time allowing them to benefit from a cheaper, cleaner renewable form of energy that can drive their growth.

Benefits of our solution:

  • Environmental – 453,600kgs of carbon dioxide emissions will be saved once the 105 units are running on bio-diesel. Furthermore burning biodiesel produces no pollutants like soot or tar, so it does not have any harmful health effects on the surrounding population. Also as bio-diesel is bio-degradable fully, any spillages will have no adverse effects on the environment.
  • Economic –  The cost of bio-diesel is about 20% less than ordinary diesel, thereby allowing the Farmers to improve yields at a lower cost of production thus improving their incomes. This will create a multiplier effect in the economy.
  • Social – improved food security through better yields thereby reducing famine and mitigating the effects of climate change. The famous saying “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime” is what we are trying to achieve, with your help.

Our target:

  1. To distribute, setup and install 105 units bio-diesel water pumps and generators in the off-grid areas of Kitui County by February 2017.
  2. These units will be sold to Farmers Groups of minimum 10 people, thereby benefitting a target of 1,000 people.
  3. The benefits to these 1,000 people should have wider multiplier effect of 10 and benefit a further 10,000 people.
  4. Through the sale of this 105 units, create a demand for 150,000 Litres of bio-diesel so that the benefits of using renewable energy in volume make an impact.
  5. Once these 105 units are sold, gear for a second campaign to bring in another 105 units and keep on building up so as to scale and have a maximum outreach.

What your Funds will be Used for:

  1. $15750 to fund the seed capital which the Farmers require to purchase these units on a credit plan. A deposit of $150 per unit will allow the Farmers to start working with the pump, and use the income earned from the pump to pay of the balance instalments over 18 months. In our experience most of them are hardworking and want to make a success of there farming ventures, and are able to pay of the pumps rapidly after obtaining the seed capital.
  2. $12600 to fund the fitting and installation at a rate of $120 per unit.  Most of the Farmers are located in very remote areas, with poor road networks and long distances. We will use these funds to off-set this distribution cost to the Farmer, thereby making the unit more affordable.
  3. $1650 shall be used to sensitize Farmers on the benefits of using bio-diesel, to ensure that they understand how they are impacting their local and external environments as well in the long term. This sensitization will target the young and old, and will also create awareness on the problem of climate change.

Our reward to you:

For all contributions above $400 that we receive – we will put a plaque or sign on one engine unit with your Name or Logo. This will ensure your contribution is always remembered, when the machine is being used. If you are giving a corporate donation and would like to brand the engine in your colours or design, we will also allow you to do that.


A key partner on this project is Energy 4 Impact with the UK Department for International Development, who will match every shilling that we raise!
