Why influencer Marketing?
Influencer marketing has become one of the most used channel of brand awareness in the current world. What comes to mind when you hear the name Peter Marangi? If you are familiar with that name, I bet the brand Duracoat pops up in your mind. What about the name Johnny Walker? A top-class whisky about a man who walked the world, right? That is the power of brand sponsors and partnerships. The list goes on and on.
Innovative partnerships do not always have to be business-to-business arrangements. A lot of the time, especially in marketing circles, brand partnerships with individuals can yield tremendous brand image and brand awareness which in essence leads to great sales or great losses if an influential figure discolors your brand. A case in point is the four billion loss of sale incident when world-renowned football player, Cristiano Ronaldo sent a gesture that drinking water is better than drinking Coca-Cola during a game press conference. In the new media and marketing space largely dominated by the digital space, more companies are increasingly looking for the right influencers to partner with for their brand’s growth in the digital space.
Who is an influencer marketer?
Simply put, it is somebody using their platforms (mostly social media) to share their passion by influencing their audience’s worldview, and have a sizable and loyal following. Take for instance a new or established brand in the baby care industry. They would have much success partnering with a social media influencer whose key focus is raising new baby hacks and tips, to talk about their products on the influencer’s platforms. They would then share the same information on their platforms regardless of the boosting budget behind it.
This raises the big question, what criteria do you use when choosing a suitable influencer marketer for your brand. The first has to be relevance. How relevant are the influencer’s content and projected trajectory about your brand and its products to their audiences? Work as hard to make sure that both your brand and influencer’s interest align for a possible successful partnership. Lastly, based on initial interactions, ask yourself, is this an influencer you would use for future engagements? The proof is in the pudding here. Choose an influencer marketer wisely. Engage them professionally and watch them do their magic. Which is “to escalate your brand.
The author is a sustainability writer at KCIC Consulting Ltd