Benjamin Mwanza

Program Manager

Benjamin is a BSc. Actuarial graduate from Jomo Kenyatta University of  Agriculture and Technology. He previously worked with Ongoza & Blueinventure as a Business Associate supporting SMEs in areas of finance & strategy. Prior to that he worked with The Co-operative Bank of Kenya.

He has also pursued several professional development and certifications: Certified SME Advisor (SMETI), Business Model Innovation (edX), Business Model Innovation (edX), Story Telling for Change (edX), Entrepreneurship Operations (Leadership Institute for Entrepreneurs), Financial Modelling & Valuation Analyst (CFI)

He is a passionate and  determined individual. “Without a passion for what you are doing, it is not possible to ideally perform your job. I take on every challenge head-on and do what I need to accomplish my goals, even when the challenge is difficult. “

Fun fact: Benjamin is passionate about mentoring the youth on right career and life choices

“Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission” – Eleanor Roosevelt