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Green Pavers: Housing Africa using plastic waste

  • By Pamela Okutoyi
  • January 18, 2021
  • 0 Comment

Using one of the country’s problems to solve another is the philosophy behind Green Pavers whose mission is to develop affordable housing materials from recycled plastic.

Did you know that Nairobi County generates 30 metric tonnes of waste of which 20 percent is plastic? . One out of three residents of Nairobi cannot afford a decent house In addition, Kenya’s population is one of the fastest growing in the world and this puts pressure on the housing sector. The convention construction is still much reliant on ordinary building materials, majorly burnt bricks. The process of burning these bricks consumes a lot of wood that accelerate the existing challenges of deforestation and they are also very expensive.

Addressing this need is Green Pavers, a social enterprise that creates durable and affordable building materials that provide low-cost housing to low-income people. The enterprise turns tonnes of plastic from landfill to green aesthetic cities that are sustainable to live in, giving you a deal that is thirty percent lower.

Green Pavers’ process involves shredding plastic waste using a technology known as styro-plastic densification to provide quality building materials with the maximum environmental impact.

“Our main goal is to address the affordable housing challenge in Kenya by utilizing waste materials generated from households and industries,” Aghan Oscar, Founder and CEO of Green Pavers as well as a chartered waste manager says.

“Our construction materials include fencing posts, furniture, roofing tiles, fences which take less time to produce and very easy to install compared to traditional bricks,” he adds.

Green Pavers’ building materials are durable, aesthetic, weather resistant, pest resistant, affordable and recyclable.

The startup supports sustainability for communities through job creation, in-waste collection, transportation and construction. Through upcycling plastic, the enterprise hopes to save up to nine hundred and sixty trees in the fast year preventing deforestation and reducing carbon emissions.

“We aspire to house Africa affordably and sustainably while tackling the menace of plastic waste,” says Arghan.