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House of Waste Limited

  • By admin
  • August 27, 2020
  • 0 Comment

Brief Profile:

House Out of Waste manufactures plastic posts by chemically moulding granules into solid post of any shape and sizes.  The company collects plastics from the industrial waste side site. The waste plastics are  prepared by sorting to separate from metals and other unwanted material,shredding,washing,drying,and then extrusion into moulds that can produce the desired plastic posts and any other desired plastic products.

The company aims to eventually have capacity to convert every piece of plastic waste into a valuable product,be it a housing block,a fencing post,a pergola,a road sign etc. In achieving this goal, the company seeks to empower communities living within landfill areas,as well as  those considered to be lower income households.

  • Entrepreneur Name:Christopher Njehu
  • Email: njehuchris@gmail.com
  • Phone number:0726244882
  • Website:N/A
  • Location:Thika
  • Thematic Area:Waste Management