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Board and Staff strategise on Kenya Climate Innovation Center (KCIC) 3.0

  • By Solomon Irungu N
  • January 3, 2020
  • 0 Comment

The Kenya Climate Innovation Center (KCIC) members of the board have this month held an a joint strategy retreat aimed to develop an implementation framework for the recently launched KCIC 3.0 Strategic Plan 2020-2025. The recently concluded retreat that was held at the scenic Tafaria Castle that sits next to Aberdare Ranges overlooking Laikipia Plains and the Mt Kenya provided a perfect opportunity for the two parties to reflect on the new programmes that came with the launch of the strategic plan and forge a way forward on the implementation espcially during this year where most of the projects are going to be launched. “This is a landmark moment for the entire KCIC fraternity noting that we had a similar strategic meeting while launching KCIC 2.0, and the meeting took place at this exact venue,” Edward Mungai, KCIC CEO said.

The retreat came at a time when all staff were fresh from the December holiday after another successful year for the organization in which various projects were successfully executed.  Key among them was the ClimateLaunchpad Competition in which a Kenyan renewable energy startup, Leafy Ke, emerged the winner globally.

KCIC 3.0 was launched towards the end of last year with the chief guest being Kenya First Lady H.E Margaret Kenyatta. The launch marks the transitioning phase of KCIC towards becoming a market leader in sustainable development, incorporating more pillars within its program and expanding its space and collaborations in sustainable development. This phase includes the expansion of the Kenya Climate Ventures and the launch of KCIC Consulting, Center for Corporate Sustainability and Special Projects Units among other sectors.

Read also: KCIC Launches the Third Phase of Its Operations

During the launch, H.E Margaret Kenyatta commended KCIC for their support to SME’s and communities in the country, especially in access to clean and sustainable water supply, and clean energy through the use of solar and biogas as alternatives to biomass energy. “I applaud the Kenya Climate Innovation Centre for the important work you are doing in developing climate change solutions,” the First Lady said as she thanked the consortium of partners including Danida, the European Union, the World Bank and UK Aid for providing seed funding to support KCIC’s programmes.

Major programmes to be launched this year:

One of the major programmes to be launched this year is the Agri Biz. This programme will be promoting agriculture in eight counties. It seeks to assist individuals and groups engaged in different parts of the agribusiness value chain to scale up into higher productivity and commercialisation. The programme is set to be rolled out in the first quarter of this calendar year.

The Kenya Climate Ventures (KCV) is an implementation vehicle for KCIC 3.0. KCV continues to fund the enterprises in the clean tech space which will create positive environmental and climatic impacts. The key support from KCV includes: Early Stage Investment, Enterprise Development, SME and Start-ups Investment and Portfolio Management.

KCIC has also set up a Special Projects Unit that will be responding to unique needs and manage projects with high impact leveraging on KCIC expertise and experience. This shall enable KCIC to respond the market needs and demands immediately.

Considering the need and demand for providing quality consultancy, KCIC 3.0 has set up the KCIC Consulting Limited as a for-profit company. The services offered by KCIC Consulting include: Climate change advisory, enterprise development, project management, resource mobilization and Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E). The geographic focus on the consultancy services shall be Africa. The business shall be set up in Kenya and all operations managed from Kenya.

KCIC will be setting up the Center for Corporate Sustainability (CCS) in partnership with Strathmore University. CCS is designed to support companies and organizations realize specific targets outlined by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The center shall be housed in Strathmore University.

By Solomon Irungu and Vincent Ogaya