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Fruit Jams fresh from farm

Eco Agribusiness Limited (EAL) is a company that value adds fruits namely, strawberries, tree tomatoes, passion, pineapples, mangoes and oranges.  The company currently has five product lines, which include Jams, Chutneys, Fruit pulps, Fresh fruits, and marmalade. All these products have since been selling in the Kenyan market. They first sold in small supermarkets but have since grown and are now listed in three of the major supermarkets in Kenya; Tuskys, Uchumi and Naivas.  

The company buys fruits from the farmers and they observe high quality standards in supply chain, from farm level, production, storage, and distribution.
The company has ensured a ready market for these farmers and hence contributed to the improved livelihoods of the Forest Adjacent communities by initiating cultivation of strawberries and tree tomatoes which if well managed can fetch more income than the conventional agriculture they have always practiced.